Dementia, senility or Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) – whatever you call it, dementia in a dog exists.
It’s probably sounding a bit scary but don’t worry. I’m going to walk you through what it is, how it’s diagnosed, treatment options available and share some of my experiences. One thing I always like to mention that is relevant for all pets, but seniors in particular, is the importance of keeping an eye out for changes in behaviour. If you notice anything different, no matter how subtle you think it is, my advice is to make a note of what you’re witnessing, video it if possible and make an appointment to see your vet.
What many people assume is just a natural part of aging could, in fact, be signalling a problem. A problem caught early stands a much better chance of being treated, or at least managed.
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Since the writing of this post my muse, inspiration and heart dog Red gained her wings (RIP May 18, 2018)
What causes dementia in a dog?
Some vets are sure of the causes, others not so much. Here is what I have discovered.
- Genetics
- Free radical damage which harm healthy cells in the brain
- Decreased dopamine production (a neurotransmitter essential for effective nerve transmission)
- Not enough blood getting to the brain
- Sedentary lifestyles
- Poor diet
You probably will never know the exact cause, but that has no impact on your ability to help your dog cope.
Will my dog get dementia?
It seems everywhere I turn I hear someone tell me they have a dog with dementia.
Is it becoming more common?
Is it because our pets are living longer?
Are we and our vets becoming more “tuned in” to this disease?
Are senior dog parents getting answers from FB communities, where they have the opportunity to share symptoms with others who can help identify possibilities when support from their own vet was lacking?
I haven’t been able to find any definitive statistics on the percentage of senior dogs likely to be afflicted with dementia. The figures I did find were wildly different, but I’ll share them anyway.
- Around 25% of all dogs over 10 will be afflicted
- 50% over the age of 11
- 23% 12 and over
- 41% over 14
- Over 60% or 68% have at least one symptom by the age of 15
See what I mean?
I also haven’t found any evidence to suggest certain breeds are predisposed to developing dementia.
Don’t panic, just keep reading!!
Signs your dog may have dementia
- Paces or wanders aimlessly through the house
- Becomes trapped under or behind furniture
- Howling, barking, or whining for no apparent reason
- Sudden aggression
- Trembles or shakes for no apparent reason
- Has trouble finding the food and water bowls
- Difficulty keeping food in her mouth
- Has accidents in the house, no matter how often she goes out
- Walks in circles, typically in the same direction
Just because you see your dog exhibiting one or more of these signs, it doesn’t mean he has dementia. Yes I know I gave you a list of dementia signs, and in the next breath I’m telling you it might not be dementia. Here’s why – a lot of the signs are present in other illnesses. For example, vision problems can make finding food and water bowls challenging, and kidney disease and diabetes are just two explanations for accidents in the house.
For a detailed and printable list of signs, please read this article “Signs Your Dog Probably Has Dementia.”
Dementia in Dogs: 5 Signs To Look Out For
What next?
Make an appointment to see your vet, and try and get in sooner rather than later. Once that’s done, make a list of all the signs and behaviour changes you’ve been noticing. Even the smallest, most seemingly inconsequential thing could be important. Taking a video will also be a big help in diagnosing what’s going on. In my experience, the behaviours we were concerned about at home don’t seem to manifest in the exam room!!
Bringing notes, and even jotting down some questions in advance will make your time with the vet much more productive.
Figuring out what’s wrong
There isn’t a test to diagnose CCD, rather dementia is diagnosed by a process of elimination.
At your appointment your vet will want to know what’s been going on, and that’s where your notes (and video if you have one) will come in handy. Next he will perform a physical examination, probably also take your dog’s temperature. Urine and blood tests will almost certainly be taken in order to rule in or out possible explanations.
Depending on your vet and whether or not he has any suspicions, some blood and urine tests can be done on the spot. Having results in just a few minutes or a few hours may already give him some answers. Typically they will still be sent to a lab with results taking a few days.
What comes next will depend on the results of the tests.
For the sake of this article let’s assume all other medical conditions have been ruled out, and your vet has concluded dementia is the only possible explanation. While there is no cure, there are things you can do to slow down its progression and help your dog cope with its effects.
Note: Please be sure to check with your vet before giving your dog any supplements. Natural does not always mean safe or appropriate for your dog.
This is THE drug given for a dementia diagnosis. Containing the active ingredient Selegiline hydrochloride it is sold as Selgian® in the UK and Anipryl® in the US. It has been shown to be effective by prolonging the activity of your dog’s remaining dopamine, which helps by improving memory and helping dogs think more clearly.
While this was the one thing my vet recommended right away, I know from the experience of many of my FB group members, this drug was never mentioned to them. Instead they were told there was nothing to be done and sent on their merry way. Since this drug does not work for every dog, some vets don’t bother recommending it. Personally I disagree with that attitude. We should be presented with the options, have the chance to discuss the pros and cons, and be able to participate in the decision making. The fact it doesn’t work for every dog doesn’t mean it won’t work for your dog. I saw incredible results within just a few days, although I understand it typically takes longer than that.
Natural supplements
Natural treatments are becoming increasingly popular, so it’s encouraging to know there are options for those who prefer them. Personally I would not give up on the Selgian or Anipryl in favour of a supplement but I would, and did, absolutely use them in combination.
Some of the options are –
Melatonin – Dogs with dementia may experience something called “sundowning” which means they start getting agitated as night approaches. Their sleep/wake cycle is disturbed so you may notice your dog sleeping all day, but wandering all night. Melatonin may help restore that cycle.
Coconut oil – A rich source of medium-chain triglycerides, believed to be used as fuel by the brain. You do have to be careful with doses, especially if your dog is prone to pancreatitis. I gave Red less than 1/4 tsp and she started showing signs of pancreatitis, so I stopped it immediately.
B vitamins – Used for their antioxidant properties, my vet recommended B complex, and gave my dog Red a couple of injections of B12 to boost her up a bit.
Omega 3s – Omega 3s such as Krill oil is critical for cognitive health. My holistic vet recommended flaxseed oil
CBD oil – Cannabidiol oil is a product derived from cannabis, and many dog parents have reported very good results. Although my holistic vet does not promote it in her practice, she did recommend buying organic and starting off with 1 drop and seeing how it goes. There are usually amounts listed on the bottle as a guide. I have read so many first hand accounts of how helpful NuLeaf has been, so here’s a link for more information. You may also want to listen to the podcast I did with an expert from the company.
Turmeric Golden Paste – There seems to be more and more buzz about the health benefits of turmeric for humans and dogs alike. It’s a powerful antioxidant and I have read a lot of testimonials from dog parents who have seen amazing results for a variety of issues, including doggie dementia. This article, “Beginners Info For Turmeric and Golden Paste” is from the Turmeric User Group on Facebook and is a wonderful resource to get you started.
NutraCalm – Created in the UK, it is a natural calming supplement to help reduce stress in anxious dogs and cats
NutraMind – Manufactured by the same company as nutracalm, it is a high strength supplement to support brain and mental function. Again take note if your dog is susceptible to pancreatitis, although Red has been okay on it so far and it’s been about 3 weeks.
Thundershirt – The company claims Thundershirt works on over 80% of dogs with anxiety. I have heard positive and negative reviews, but that’s the case with most things isn’t it? It’s trial and error. I will say that the majority of members of my FB group who have tried it have seen some great results.
Acupuncture – Often recommended as part of an overall treatment plan, many dog parents have reported positive results. If you do want to give it a try please make sure you go to an experienced, qualified vet.
I have included an interesting article I came across called “Acupuncture as an Auxiliary Treatment of Dementia/Cognitive Dysfunction in Geriatric Dog.”
To Find an acupuncturist visit –
International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS)
Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists (ABVA)
Senilife – It is an oral supplement made up of antioxidants used to treat the symptoms of brain aging in dogs. To learn more about this product, here is a link to the company website. I can tell you there are a lot of senior dog parents I know who have noticed a big difference with this product. Like with many things, it is not guaranteed to help every dog, but it may help yours!
Valerian/Valerian and Skullcap – Valerian root is known for its sedative qualities, Skullcap is a plant with anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacteria, anti-histamine and sedative properties. My vet recommended the combination for my dog but many benefit from Valerian alone.
Interactive and puzzle toys
Giving your dog a challenge will help keep his brain active, so provide him with interactive toys or treat dispensing toys. Even teaching new, and re-teaching old tricks can be beneficial.
Through a Dog’s Ear
Through a Dog’s Ear is bioacoustically engineered music, proven to help calm anxious dogs. Studies conducted in shelters have shown remarkable results in helping them relax in what is a stressful environment. A 13 minute snippet can be found on Youtube for you to try before you buy.
Extra resources:
For a list of natural treatment options – “How To Treat Dementia In A Dog Naturally.”
Dementia in Senior Dogs: 6 Ways to Deal With the Effects
I believe a routine is important for all dogs, but particularly for a dog with dementia who derives comfort from a schedule. If you don’t have one in place try and start something right now, and it can be as simple as feeding and walking your dog at roughly the same time each day.
My heart dog Red and dementia
(This post has been updated since Red died, but I decided to leave this section written in the present, because it’s what was happening at the time of writing.)
It was about 2 1/2 years ago when I first noticed Red was wandering, uncomfortable and not able to settle. In addition to that she was drinking and peeing a lot. At around the same time she was having some kidney issues, so I naturally assumed there was something about her condition that was making her uncomfortable. I’m a regular presence in my vet’s office so of course I called for an appointment to discuss what had been going on.
My vet assured me her condition would not have made her uncomfortable or caused the wandering. He did blood and urine tests to try and find an explanation, but everything came back fine. Being unfamiliar with dementia at the time, it was not something that had entered my head, or my vet’s head obviously.
I know Red very well and I couldn’t accept there was no explanation for her behaviour. She would circle for hours and I was losing my mind. There were times it got so bad I had to leave the house to take a break. A few times I closed the door and went to sleep and let her wander. She did eventually settle, but who knows how long that took.
I want to say I’m not proud of having to take time for myself, but it was extremely stressful, not to mention heartbreaking, when nothing you do helps your dog.
I don’t recall how I found Through a Dog’s Ear. I must have heard or read somewhere about music being calming to dogs. I randomly clicked on that sample on YouTube and I’ll never forget the first time I played it. Red had literally been wandering for hours, and when I started that music it was like a switch was flicked. She calmed down and within a minute or two she was resting, even sleeping.
At the beginning, especially before there was a diagnosis, I played it all the time. The music was incredibly beautiful I would find myself snoozing as well.
The word “dementia“ popped into my head one day, which is odd considering I knew nothing about it. I did some research and realised all the pieces fit. I immediately called my vet who said it made sense to him as well. He ordered Selgian for me right away and within a few days of giving it to Red I noticed a big difference. To this day she takes one 4mg tablet a day. My vet said there were no other treatment options, but I found that unacceptable.
Trust me my vet is amazing, but he doesn’t know that much about natural supplements. Plus, if something hasn’t been scientifically proven he won’t mention/recommend it, so I did my own research.
Red takes nutramind and nutracalm (which are made here in England). Nutracalm is for dogs who are stressed by fireworks and thunderstorms so the relaxing properties prevent Red from getting anxious. She was on one capsule for a long time, now she’s on them twice a day. A few weeks ago my holistic vet recommended nutramind as it’s made up of omega 3s and ginko biloba. I do think it has been helping her as well.
B vitamins are very good for dogs with dementia and I give Red a B1 vitamin everyday. She gets other Bs in supplements she takes for different reasons.
My holistic vet also prescribed .2ml of berberis.
She started going for acupuncture a few months ago, which helped a lot with her overall well being and vitality. I know there is mention of it helping dogs with dementia but I can’t say whether or not it’s made a difference. She hasn’t been in a few weeks due to transportation issues. I found with acupuncture in general I didn’t see the results at the time, but I saw a big difference when we stopped it and I mean for the worse, so obviously it has been beneficial for her.
From the moment my dogs step into my house, they have a routine and a schedule, and I know how much that helps Red. I never used to have a problem taking Red out for hours, but just last week we had company and I took her with us in her stroller. We were only out for about 4 hours but I could tell she was getting agitated. She’s blind, which has never affected her before, but combined with her dementia she was stressed being away from her familiar environment.
Red had some vestibular disease so her circling is aggravated by her dementia. In order to help keep her calm she sits with me on the couch during the day while I work. I do believe it gives her some security, and allowing her to circle for too long causes her, and me, anxiety.
Why I added natural supplements
If you’ve read my posts before, you’ll notice how often I talk about the importance of involving your vet in your pet’s care. I love my vet, I think he’s amazing but…he does not deal with natural and alternative treatments. He is open to them, he knows a bit about some of them, and is always willing to listen when I talk about something I’ve read, but he’s all about the drugs. Yes those drugs have helped Red tremendously, but when he told me the only treatment for dementia was Selgian I could not accept that. I did my research and found lots of alternatives people were having varying degrees of success with, and because I personally prefer a kinder gentler approach to treatment when possible, I felt it was important to add them into the mix to see if they would help…and they have.
My life as a dog with dementia
One day I thought it would be helpful to write about dementia from Red’s point of view… and here it is.
Read this ⇒ My Life As A Dog With Dementia
There isn’t necessarily a way to prevent your dog from getting dementia, but the tips listed below are really the things we should be doing with, and for our dogs, no matter the age.
- Feeding a nutritionally balanced diet
- Antioxidants to destroy free radicals before they harm healthy cells
- Regular exercise
- Mental stimulation – learning new tricks, using interactive toys and puzzles…
- Socialising with dogs, other pets and people
- Keeping your dog at a healthy weight
- Good oral hygiene by brushing, providing dental sticks and dental checks
- Supplements such as omega 3s and anything else your holistic vet feels would benefit your dog
- Seeing your vet when you notice any changes in your dog’s behaviour.
Dealing with the effects of dementia in older dogs
- The most important thing is to be patient and understanding
- Try not to rearrange your furniture – leave it as it is
- Don’t leave stuff on the floor she can trip over
- A ramp may be easier for her to use than stairs
- Engage in play time with her
- Comfort her when she needs it
- Don’t overwhelm her with too much “new” stuff – people, toys…
- If you don’t already have a schedule, create one for feeding, walking and bedtime. Structure is good for all dogs, but can help confused dogs even more
- Keep commands short and simple
- I don’t like the idea of crating a dog with dementia, in my experience that level of confinement can be very stressful because of their need to wander. A baby gate to keep her in one room or part of the house, or getting creative in how to block off a section of your house are better options.
Take care of yourself
This is huge, trust me! Caring for a senior dog who isn’t well can be very stressful, you may not even realise the effect it’s having until you feel like you’re going to snap. You have to take care of yourself because living with the constant worry will make you sick, and that is unfair to you, and no help to your dog.
I know you’re worried about leaving him/her alone for too many hours, so don’t.
- Put your sneakers and headphones on, and go take a 30 minute walk on the beach, or in the park. You’ll feel so much better when you get back.
- Prefer something closer to home? Try meditating for a few minutes, it will do wonders.
- Have someone you trust come over and dog sit, then go to the mall, have lunch with a friend or both!
- If it’s become harder to let your dog sleep in your room with you, then set her up on a nice cozy bed in another room. You all may sleep better.
- Planning a family vacation and can’t stand the thought of leaving the dog? Perhaps you can bring her along. There are lots of pet friendly hotels and restaurants. Renting a motor home or caravan is a great dog friendly way to travel. Can’t bring her for whatever reason? Is there someone you have complete trust in to stay at your home? It will be a lot less disruptive then putting your dog in kennels.
Believe me, I know how difficult it is to watch your dog wander aimlessly, and how helpless you feel. I’m going through that right now with Red. But no good can come out of you ending up a wreck.
The better you care for yourself, the better you will care for your dog, and she needs you to help her.
A wonderful and incredibly helpful resource
In addition to all the information you’ve gotten here, one resource senior dog parents have found incredibly helpful is a book called Remember Me? Loving and Caring For a Dog With Canine Cognitive Dysfunction by Eileen Anderson. I highly recommend it.
Everything you need to know about dementia in a dog – conclusion
I know how scary, sad, frustrating and cruel dementia can be, and the toll it can take on the caregiver and everyone in the household. I hope you see no matter what you are dealing with, you are not alone.
Does your dog have dementia? Who diagnosed it? What treatments have your vet recommended? Please share your experiences in the comments below, it will help so many others.
hi Hindy!
Oh your article on dementia in older dogs comes at a good time. I was just at my friend’s house, the one who has an older big dog. She has suspected now for months that her dog has dementia (he will be 12 in 4 months). And his behavior has changed. I have noticed he is definitively more skittish. He seems afraid of random things. When I get into the house, he just does not leave my side, often leaning on me. He has health issues but his behavior is for sure strange. I literally saw him standing in a corner today with his head pointed first! I was like “what are you doing there Dakota?”My friend is now in the debating stage of whether or not her dog is in too much pain to live. And that is such a hard decision. What is his quality of life like? And today the whole time I was looking at him, all I could see was how sad he looked 🙁 and it certainly is not because he is not loved.
Hi Emily, This article definitely did come at a good time. Her dog wouldn’t be in pain from dementia, I can’t say anything else because I don’t know what other health issues Dakota may be having. I recommend she gets her dog to the vet ASAP. He will most likely do blood and urine analysis to determine what, if any, problems he has. While we would never want to say goodbye before it’s time, rushing into that decision wouldn’t be fair. There are lots of alternative treatments available for dementia, which show some great results. Depending on how advanced his dementia is, he could still have a good quality of life. I have a post coming out about that on Nov 18. If your friend is interested, I’d be happy to send you an advance copy. If she has any questions, please let me know.
I never thought of dogs getting dementia. I have had four dogs throughout my life so far and none of them have shown any signs of it, luckily. Idk why but I do know they get plenty of exercise and eat well balanced meals.
Hi Kyle, thanks for your comment. To be honest, I’ve had a few senior dogs and I wasn’t aware of dementia either… until I started thinking about it in relation to my dog Red. That’s when I started to learn more about it, and it’s definitely not something you want to happen. Exercise and well balanced meals are definitely a help.
Dementia in Older Dogs? I never even thought that was something they could get.
We had a dog called Casey and he passed away some time ago. When I read your signs of senility in dogs, some to of the symptoms applied to Casey. He wondered around barking for no reason and looked lost or confused and some times would not respond to me. Now I know why!
Thanks for sharing this informative article.
Hi Dinh, I admit I wasn’t familiar with dementia in dogs either. It’s certainly not something any vet ever mentioned to me. Although some of the signs are similar to other illnesses, it does seem possible that Casey may have had dementia. I don’t think many people are aware of this condition, so I hope these articles help.
That’s crazy how common it is. One of my dogs probably had dementia although I’m not sure. Great post!
Hi Kody, yes it does seem to be crazy common. Most people chalk up behaviour changes to the natural ageing process, but often they are signs of illness or disease. Always good to book a checkup with the vet, just to be sure.
I recently started my 14 year old dog on a pet supplement called Neutricks which has Apoaequorin 5mg. The results have been amazing!! I have a puppy again! I kid you not! My husband says he wants some!
I also have a 15 year old cat who exhibits signs of dementia and look to start him on it too.
Hi Linda, thanks for sharing that information. It’s so sad to watch our dogs suffering from the effects of dementia, so I’m always grateful when people share their experiences, and what works for them. Glad to hear you dog is doing so well and hope your cat gets as much benefit from the supplement.
I love this post on dog dementia! There is a canine food sponsored TV commercial that implies feeding their food will bring back the ‘mental spark’ in an aging dog – and this always makes me uncomfortable. If it were that simple, then humans would have already done this (with human food). Small steps toward health can hep, but at the end of it – we are all aging. Caring for an aging dog is equally as important as when we care for aging human family members – learning about the disease as much as possible, augmenting with eastern and western care as helpful, and calmly and with a warm heart care for the aging pup such that they have a quality life and know they are loved! We’ve adopted a number of seniors, and we find it so heartwarming to create a peaceful and joyful life for them in their last months or years. Great informational post and I will share this with our readers!!
What a beautiful and thoughtful comment, thank you Rebecca. I agree with what you say about dog food commercials and how simple they make it. Their food may contain some ingredients that are on the “helpful for dementia” list, but they don’t mention the real quantity, quality and the likelihood the manufacturing process destroyed any efficacy. I always try and add natural treatments when possible, and it is about loving them and making their quality of life your number one priority. How wonderful you have adopted seniors, I love hearing that. I appreciate you sharing.
Thank you for sharing such in-depth and great information! It’s a sad thing to watch, whether human or pet, and it’s good for people with similar experiences to connect and know they are not alone.
Hi Nichole, it really is a sad thing to watch. What I really want people to be aware of is…not everything is a natural part of aging. If changes in behaviour are becoming noticeable, speak to the vet. It may well be a problem starting to arise, and the sooner it’s diagnosed the sooner it can be treated or at least managed. It can get lonely, so connecting with others experiencing the same thing is a great help.
What a wonderful and thoughtful post. You provided so much good info. Thank you.
Thanks Tonya.
This is a great, detailed post on the topic. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Amy. I hope by sharing people may see that perhaps their dog is experiencing the same thing, and take them to the vet to have them checked.
I am so sorry your baby has this but I am thankful he has such a great family that has taken control and gained knowledge! I fear my babies getting this. It is hard enough with the human kind.
Thanks Joely. Red is doing quite well, and seems to be loving her life so that’s what matters. Of all the seniors I’ve had, no one else had dementia, so it’s definitely not a “given.” I believe starting to give dogs certain supplements like omega 3s and coconut oil early, can help as does exercise, mental stimulation and a quality diet. I have a 4ish year old dog named Jack, the first young dog ever, so I’m starting to think about what I can do for him now, that will help him later.
Red is just adorable. We’re so glad she’s responding to the music and the supplements. Thanks for sharing such important info.
She is cute!! She’s doing quite well, which I’m grateful for. I think it is important to share, because too many people assume the changes they see in their older dogs are to be expected. They may or may not be, but a trip to the vet is recommended just to be sure there’s nothing more sinister going on.
This is such good information to know, although it is heartbreaking to think of your dogs ending up like this. Right now my dogs are in the prime of their life, although Taffy is going on 8 so she is on the brink of being a senior. About your dog going in circles, a good friend just lost her little dog, a senior, to enshyphilitis (sp) and she was going in circles all the time so that might be a sign of something more serious.
It’s true it is heartbreaking, but the earlier we have something checked out, the easier it is to either cure or manage. Any time there is something going on that isn’t “typical” it’s always best to have it checked out right away, especially where seniors are concerned. So sorry about your friend’s loss.
Thanks for sharing information on a subject that doesn’t seem to have much coverage up to this point. If pet owners are unaware, they may not know to be asking when speaking with their veterinarian. Are there any side effects for the medication you indicated has helped your pup?b
Hi Bryn, it’s such an important issue, because too many people attribute changes in behaviour to the natural aging process. While sometimes it is, often it is a sign of something else. I always recommend making an appointment with the vet at the first sign of any problem, particularly when dealing with older pets. The sooner something is caught, the sooner it can be treated, or at least managed. No, thankfully Red isn’t experiencing any side effects.
Aw Red you are such a precious little pup. I too have Senior dogs in my home, ages 7, 8 and 9. While none of them have dementia, this is a great article to read in in case one of them does start showing symptoms. Thank you so much for sharing. Glad you are doing so well!
Thanks Kandace. How wonderful to have 3!! If I had known more about dementia, I would have investigated what supplements could possibly prevent or at least reduce the impact. I adopted Red when she was a senior, so I would have started her on something more targeted immediately. Live and learn.
We thought that my sister’s dog had dementia, she was exhibiting many of the signs. However, when the vet changed her pain medication, she returned to her old self.
That’s great news Beth.
Hindy thank you so much for such an interesting post, I have shared it with a friend of mine also
I’m so glad Ruth, I hope it helps her.
Red is so lucky to have you in her life.
Kind of you to say, but it works both ways!!
Mr. N is not old enough to show signs but I make sure he gets healthy meals and plenty of stimulation.
That’s the best thing to do – get them off to a good start. I never know what kind of start my dogs got, so who knows what could have been prevented had they received better care.
Very interesting post. I would love to try that CD. We did experience mild dementia with our dog, Pip. He also had heart disease and some other issues. It’s really very painful to watch them struggle. I would love to have had that CD.
Cats can get it, too. Our cat Tommy had terrible dementia caused from a brain tumor. He had such a difficult time with many of the symptoms you listed – especially the walking in circles and getting trapped behind furniture.
It is so painful to watch them struggle, but thankfully medications and supplements are such a great help. So sad about Tommy. None of my cats had dementia, and Red is the only dog who’s had it, but it is a tough one.
THis is a very valuable post. Who knew there were so many really positive things you can do to help a dog with dementia. I will refer my doggy friends to this.
Thank you.
It is so encouraging to know there are things that can be done to not only help with the symptoms of dementia, but maybe even reduce the likelihood of getting it. I hope it helps your doggy friends.
i lost one of my boo-boo’s late last year with dementia. she was a small dachshund, and she got stuck in, under, behind and on EVERYTHING. i just caution people they really need to have a very safe area for their pet with dementia when they are away from the house. i had to pretty much “baby” proof my entire house. it was worth it of course to keep my boo boo safe, but we had many close calls because i never even imagined that normal things could cause such problems for a dog with dementia.
I’m very sorry to hear that, dementia is such a tough disease to deal with. You’re absolutely right about having a safe area, and thanks for reminding everyone of that. You really do have to baby proof the entire house, and a good way to do that is getting down on the floor to your dog’s level to see what can be hazards we never even think of. Thanks for your comment and for sharing your experience, it does help others going through the same thing.
Those statistics on dementia you posted are kind of scary, especially with my heart dog approaching the big 1-0. I do a lot to keep his body and mind healthy so hopefully that continues to help him moving forward. No one ever believes me that he’s almost 10. He’s still really active and playful. The only thing that kind of gives it away theses days is the greying on his face. Thanks for this post. I’m glad I know what signs to look out for in the future.
Sounds like you’re doing everything you can to keep your pup well, and I wouldn’t be too concerned about the stats. There is no guarantee you will have to deal with dementia so hopefully you won’t be worrying about. As long as you’re aware of some of the symptoms to look out you can go and enjoy all the great times ahead.
Hindy thanks for the great post especially as Layla is going on 11 but I am monitoring her very carefully to see if there are any changes and of course will discuss with the vet next time I see her – oy vey she will say here comes the Jewish Mom LOL. Layla gets most of the supplements already in her food.
You’re a great Jewish Mom to Layla, she’s lucky to have you! I think worrying is in our DNA isn’t it?