It’s scary dealing with any health issue or problem, especially as our pets get older.
However, seizures in senior dogs can take frightening to a whole new level – at least it was for me!
Nothing freaked me out more than hearing my dog have a seizure.
That’s right, I said “hearing” because the first time it happened, I only heard it. That was enough to stop my heart.
If you are currently faced with this difficult situation, I hope that I can use my experience to help.
Let’s dive into the world of seizures in older dogs and what you can do to give your best friend the best possible quality of life.
Last Updated: Nov 28, 2023
Disclosure: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links (Amazon Associate or other programs we participate in). As an affiliate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.

What is a Seizure?
Before digging into any details, let’s take a moment to start at the beginning – what are seizures in senior dogs, and why do they happen?
A seizure occurs when your dog experiences a sudden surge of abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
Overloaded by this activity, the brain essentially “malfunctions,” meaning they lose control over their actions and their body.
For some, this could cause violent convulsions. Others will be confused or appear to be biting at flies around them that aren’t actually there.
It’s important to note that any type of seizure, regardless of how serious it appears, warrants an immediate call to the veterinarian.
What is the Difference Between Seizures and Epilepsy?
If you have been searching for more information about canine seizures, you may have found that a lot of information refers specifically to epilepsy in older dogs.
So, what is the difference?
Epilepsy is a medical condition in which a dog experiences repeated or chronic unprovoked seizures.
The cause of epilepsy is still largely unknown. However, there appears to be a genetic link with some breeds showing a higher diagnosis rate.
Some breeds that are considered to be at higher risk for epilepsy include:
- Beagle
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Border Collie
- Boxer
- Cocker Spaniel
- Collie
- Dachshund
- English Springer Spaniel
- German Shepherd Dog
- Golden Retriever
- Irish Setter
- Irish Wolfhound
- Keeshond
- Labrador Retriever
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Poodle
- St. Bernard
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Siberian Husky
- Wire-Haired Fox Terrier
Of course, any dog, regardless of their breed, could develop epilepsy.
If your dog shows signs of having experienced a seizure, contact your veterinarian. They will help you determine the cause, whether it is epilepsy or something else.
Is it Possible for My Dog to Have One Seizure and Never Have One Again?
There is a possibility that your dog could have a single seizure, depending on the cause.
For example, if your dog ingested something poisonous, like caffeine, leading to a seizure, they may recover and never have a seizure again after the toxin is out of their body.
However, many dogs will require ongoing management.
Most experts will tell you that if your dog does have recurring or chronic seizures, they will likely become more frequent or severe in the future.
Working closely with your veterinarian when addressing seizures in senior dogs is essential.
The earlier you start to treat or manage the underlying cause, the better.
Common Causes of Seizures in Older Dogs
We have established now that understanding the cause of your senior dog having seizures is vital in giving them the best chance at a long, happy life.
This can be challenging, given your vet has so many possibilities to consider.
While they can test for some potential causes, others aren’t as easy to identify or diagnose.
Some of the more common causes of seizures in dogs of all ages include:
- Parasites
- Low blood sugar levels
- Trauma
- Liver disease
- Poor circulation
- Calcium deficiency
- Genetics
- Brain tumors
- Rabies
- Heatstroke
- Exposure to toxins
- Blood or organ issues
- Under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism)
- Some breeds may be predisposed to them (as discussed already)
Seizures in elderly dogs specifically are most often associated with:
- Brain tumors
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease
- Insulin overdose in diabetic dogs
- Cushing’s Disease (not the disease itself but some of the issues associated with it)
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for older dogs to develop seizures that are idiopathic, meaning there is no known reason for them.
Signs Your Dog May Be Having a Seizure
Look out for these warning signs if your dog is acting strange or out of sorts:
- Uncontrolled twitching
- Wobbling or wavering back and forth in one spot
- Loss of bladder and/or bowel control
- Trembling
- Falling over
- Leaping in the air
- Pacing
- Drooling
- Disorientation
- Vomiting
- Paralysis
- Temporary loss of sight
- Inability to understand commands
Seizures won’t look the same in every dog and can even be slightly different from episode to episode with the same dog.
They can also differ in severity.
It could range from a slight twitch that lasts a second to full-on uncontrollable shaking that lasts minutes.
What to Do and What NOT to Do if Your Old Dog is Having Seizures
Don’t panic! Easy to say, hard to do.
When my dog had her first seizure, I was clueless. Boy, did I panic!
Luckily, when I called the emergency hospital, they were able to provide me with some guidance on how to handle the situation best.
Here are a few important things to consider:
- Keep yourself safe! As already mentioned, your dog has lost control of their body. Even the kindest, most gentle dogs could bite without warning at that moment.
- Contrary to popular belief, your dog will not swallow their tongue. Pulling at their tongue will only put you at risk of being bit and potentially cause them pain.
- Pay attention to your surroundings. Pull your dog away carefully using a hind leg if you are near stairs, furniture, or other obstacles.
- Try to limit outside stimuli. Turn down the volume on (or turn off) your television, radio, or any other source of sound. Turn off lights and consider covering your dog with a blanket to help reduce light.
- Speak to your dog calmly. Hearing you could help to comfort your dog as they are coming out of the seizure.
- If it continues for more than 5 minutes, contact your veterinarian or nearby emergency clinic immediately. Provide them with as much information as possible, including an estimate of how long the seizure has lasted and any history of seizures.
- To bring your dog to the vet, avoid lifting them by the middle of their body. Instead, use a blanket or large towel to create a hammock. This is safer for both you and your dog.
The 3 Stages of a Canine Seizure
To better understand what your dog is experiencing, familiarize yourself with the 3 stages of a seizure and the symptoms you can expect.
This will help you recognize what is happening and how to respond best.
Pre-Ictal: The Seizure is Coming
The pre-ictal phase, sometimes called the aura, is the period before the seizure when your dog starts acting strangely.
Many possible signs that indicate a seizure will be coming, including:
- Restlessness
- Whining
- Fear
- Aggression
- Clinginess
- Barking
- Crying
- Howling
- Losing their balance
- Pacing
- Drooling
This stage can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours.
Ictal: Your Dog is Having the Seizure
The Ictal stage is when your dog actively experiences a seizure.
As stated above, the symptoms can vary depending on the severity and by dog.
The behaviors exhibited during a seizure can be anything from growling and twitching to violent spasms and convulsions.
Urination, defecation, and drooling often occur during this state.
A “normal” seizure lasts about 5 minutes but can last longer. If your dog’s seizure lasts longer than that, it’s called a “prolonged seizure” (duh, right?).
If you are dealing with cluster seizures in older dogs, they will have multiple seizures witn a short period of time.
They will experience consciousness in between that can last from a few seconds up to a few hours.
Post-Ictal: Your Dog is Coming Out of the Seizure
This is the recovery stage when your dog will feel the seizure’s effects of the seizure.
During this stage, they may be:
- Disoriented
- Weak
- Sleepy
- Experiencing temporary blindness
The amount of time they feel the effects of the seizure, including recovery, will depend on how severe the seizure was.
Are Seizures Painful or Dangerous for a Dog?
When your senior dog has a seizure, it’s “painful” to witness. However, they are not painful for your dog.
Having said that, it’s also not a pleasant experience.
Your dog may feel confused, disoriented, or even panicked as they start to come out of the seizure and regain consciousness.
During the seizure, pay careful attention to any potential hazards like furniture or other objects.
You also want to ensure that your dog is not lying somewhere where they may fall and hurt themselves.
They likely will not experience any severe side effects from a single seizure. However, problems can arise if they experience a prolonged seizure or cluster seizures.
Potential Side Effects of Seizures in Senior Dogs
When your dog experiences a seizure, it results from abnormal activity in the brain.
Of course, anything impacting the brain has the potential to be serious.
Brain damage resulting from seizure activity is often cumulative over time. This means that the risk of side effects increases with each subsequent seizure.
If your dog’s seizure lasts for a long time, like 30 minutes or more, it could cause permanent brain damage.
This could mean a noticeable change in your dog’s memory or behavior.
Some of the side effects that can occur, especially after repeated or prolonged seizures, include:
- Heart problems or a heart attack
- Organ failure
- Difficulty breathing
- Dangerously high body temperature
- Coma
These side effects are incredibly rare, but they highlight the importance of seeing a veterinarian as soon as possible.
What to Expect at Your Vet Appointment
You may be feeling overwhelmed, especially if this is your first time caring for a dog that has a seizure.
We’re stressed and afraid of what our vet may tell us about our sick dog. Combine that with knowing the vet only has a limited time to spend with us, and we could forget crucial questions.
Making notes ahead of your appointment will ensure you don’t miss anything.
As soon after the seizure as you can (assuming it wasn’t severe enough to rush to the emergency clinic), write down as much information as you can.
Your notes should include:
- Time and date of the seizure (so your vet can track frequency)
- What you witnessed in detail
- What you heard if you were out of the room and didn’t see it happen
- What your dog was doing right before the seizure
- How long it lasted
- How did they act after it was over?
- How long did it take them to act like their usual self?
- Have you noticed any unusual behavior in the hours or days leading to the seizure?
- Have there been any changes to your dog’s environment recently? Their schedule? Diet?
- Are you giving your dog any new supplements or medications your vet may not know about?
Once you have discussed what happened, your vet will examine your dog.
This exam may include taking their temperature, as well as blood and urine samples. They may also order a CT scan or MRI if your dog’s medical history warrants it.
Some tests will produce results in just a few minutes, making waiting a good idea.
Other tests will take longer, requiring a follow-up appointment.
As seizures are often the result of underlying medical conditions, your vet will assess what tests are needed to rule out the potential causes.
Alternatively, they may adopt a “wait and see approach” if they feel no immediate cause for concern.
Remember to speak up if they choose the latter and you are uncomfortable with that.
Treating Seizures in Elderly Dogs
Your vet may prescribe medication to manage your dog’s seizures depending on the frequency and severity of episodes.
Medication is more commonly used in situations where dogs are experiencing more than one seizure each month, cluster seizures, or grand mal seizures.
Here are some of the medications your veterinarian may prescribe:
- Phenobarbital (PB) (Long-term use can damage the liver, so blood tests will be needed to check function)
- Potassium bromide (KBr)
- Diazepam
- Gabapentin (Regularly used in senior dogs to treat pain)
- Felbamate (Available under the tradename Felbatol®, it’s not typically given as the first option, only after other drugs have been tried and not been effective)
- Keppra (May be used alone or in conjunction with other anti-seizure drugs)
Alternative treatment options are also gaining popularity as we continue to study and better understand their benefits.
Consider having a conversation with your vet if you are considering alternative treatment either in conjunction with or in place of traditional medication.
If your vet is unwilling to discuss alternative treatments, you may want to search for a holistic vet in your area.
However, communication is critical if you are dealing with multiple veterinarians!
Everybody involved in your dog’s care must be aware of what is happening because failure to keep everyone updated could harm your dog.
Don’t suddenly stop giving medication to your dog.
If you are having issues with the medication or side effects from its use, speak with your vet. They will advise you of your options and how to make changes safely.
A study out of Colorado State University found that 89% of dogs given CBD experienced reduced seizure frequency.
CBD oil also offers additional benefits to help senior dogs, including easing pain and inflammation, reducing anxiety, and stimulating their appetite.
Belladonna 200C
You may have heard of Belladonna, the toxic plant. But did you know it could also help manage seizures in dogs?
I recommend reading this abstract, titled: “Clinical management of idiopathic epilepsy in dogs with homeopathic Belladonna 200C: a case series.”
It is very interesting and encouraging for those seeking alternative options.
There is some good evidence that acupuncture can help dogs with seizures.
Like CBD oil, acupuncture can also help with other common problems experienced by senior dogs with its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.
How to Manage Seizures and Give Your Dog the Best Quality of Life
Give your dog as much love as you have always given them, but avoid driving them crazy by smothering them out of worry.
Be observant so you notice any changes that happen. With experience, you will learn to recognize the signs of trouble earlier and earlier.
If you notice your dog is about to have a seizure, turn off the lights, turn the TV and radio off, and remove any sharp objects or anything in the area they could get hurt on.
Keep a seizure diary for you and your vet, including the following information:
- Date
- How long it lasted
- Severity
- Anything obvious that may have brought it on
- Your dog’s behavior post-ictal (after the seizure was over)
How to Prevent Seizures in Dogs
While there is no guaranteed prevention, there are steps you can take to reduce the possible triggers of your dog’s seizures.
Where possible, reduce stress and changes in your dog’s environment.
Something as simple as redecorating your living room and moving the furniture could cause stress, especially if your senior dog suffers from vision loss.
Prioritize feeding your dog a healthy diet.
If you’re unsure whether your dog’s diet is balanced and meeting their needs, you may want to contact a veterinary nutritionist.
There are also prescription foods available that are specifically formulated to reduce seizure activity.
Final Thoughts – Seizures in Senior Dogs
Witnessing your dog have a seizure can be scary, especially if you know nothing about the condition, leaving you feeling helpless and unsure of what you can do.
I know this article is long and intense, so take your time. Read it through and save it as a reference.
If I could give you one piece of advice based on my experience, it would be not to spend your time waiting for the next seizure to happen.
Live your life. Enjoy every moment with your best friend.
The next time, which hopefully won’t be for a long time, you will be better prepared.
Has your vet determined the cause of your dog’s seizures? Did they prescribe medications? Sharing helps others, so I invite you to share your journey with canine epilepsy in the comments below.
I had a lab that used to have seizures. Her biggest trigger was dehydration, so I was always urging her to drink.
I think it’s really interesting you knew her trigger. How did you come to that realisation? Red’s seizures only happen at night while she’s sleeping.
I have never seen a dog have a seizure and hope that never changes. I can’t imagine how scary it must be and although I’d try to stay calm, I doubt that I would. Thank you for all of the information so I will be better equipped should it ever happen. ☺
It’s definitely scary but you’d probably be calmer than you think, I just hope you never need the information written in this post.
Thanks for an informative post. Thankfully, we’ve never had a cat with seizures but Max does have asthma and after six months of being asthma free, had a bad attack yesterday, they’re enough to scare me.
Sorry to hear about Max’s attack, I know how terrifying they can be, but hopefully he’s recovered and doing well. What makes them so much scarier for me was my lack of transport and emergency hospital where I was living. That’s when you feel so helpless.
What a great and informative post. I have never seen a dog have a seizure but I’m sure it can be very scary. Thanks for sharing the symptoms and what causes them. Sharing this post! 🙂
I’m glad you found this post so informative, and I appreciate you wanting to share it. It really is so scary to witness, especially when you have no idea what’s going on or what to do about it.
Fantastic detailed information Hindy, thanks for sharing this. It can help a lot of people & their dogs. Sharing!
Love & biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Thank you Cathy. Seizures are so scary to witness and the first time Red had one I had no idea what was happening. I do hope this article helps anyone who may face or has faced this.
Thanks for this post, Hindy. As you know, Dexter has a neurological condition. The condition can also include seizures or have seizures in the future. A few weeks ago Dexter had a bit of a head shake. We are now doing physical therapy, and so far, we haven’t seen any other head shakes. Hoping it was just a fluke. But it’s nice to have the post to read.
Thanks Tonya. I do hope Dexter’s head shake was just a fluke, but it would be interesting to know if the therapy helped as well.
The natural/holistic approach is so very interesting – we had not heard of some of these, thank you for sharing! We must say that Red is just so adorable and I hope that he is doing better and managing – you are so wonderful to care for him. Seniors just have a special place in our hearts – they are such pure love. Blessings to you and yours!
That’s so nice of you to say Rebecca. Red is doing really well, and she is too cute for words in my opinion. Seniors do have a special place in my heart, they’re the only age group I like to share my life with.
Thank you for sharing this! My dogs are technically seniors (8 and 10 years old) and although they are in good health, it is always better to be prepared. I hadn’t even thought about what to do in case of a seizure.
Hi Beth, great to hear your dogs are such good health. You’re right about being prepared which I was not when Red had her first seizure. I had no idea what was going on or what to do – very scary.
My darling Isabelle had a few seizures right before she died. Great info to share. Kilo gets odd twitches and shakes sometimes but hope he is OK.
So sorry to hear about Isabelle, and what a lovely name. Hopefully Kilo (another great name!!) is doing well. What has the vet said?
I remember when Gracie had her first seizure. I was just a teenager and I was certain that she was dying. It was horrible. Thank you for spreading awareness on this issue and helping owners know what to do if it ever happens to their dog!
I imagine it must have been frightening to see Gracie have a seizure. I don’t think I handled it any better as an adult to be honest. I was totally unprepared when Red had her first seizure, I can only hope my experience will help others.
I’ve never seen an animal have a seizure. I had 2 gran mal seizures about 40 years ago and the doctors could never find a cause for them. They were quite scary.
I can’t imagine how scary they must have been for you, but it’s good to hear they were a long time ago and you’ve had no problems like that since.
I can’t even imagine how scary that must have been to witness! My best friend’s dog had seizures, and I remember how upsetting it was for her. I’m sorry that Red has these, but at least they are minor ones. Thanks for sharing this extremely helpful information!
What I find most scary is the fear they will not only last a few seconds, then what do you do?
Such a wonderful post! Seizures are scary but knowing what to do is so important!
Glad you liked it! As scary as they are, knowing what to do in the moment makes it a little easier to handle.
Seizures are terrifying to witness! I have not seen one in my pets (thankfully), but I have worked in special education and seen them in humans. It is like something from a horror movie even when it does no damage. I would be very upset to see one of my cats having a seizure. Thank you for sharing this very important information.
Thanks Robin. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to witness a seizure in a person. I felt so helpless when I saw Red’s seizures. It’s late at night, no car or 24 hour emergency hospital where I lived. Not an ideal scenario that’s for sure.
Thank you for this article. My 11 year old Chihuahua had a seizure last night: much like Red’s (horrible cry, stiff body, twitching, peed all over, vomited, then it was over in 2 minutes) and I thought she was dying. She was fine this morning – ate, drank, etc. Terrifying…
Oh Linda I’m so sorry to hear that. I know it’s absolutely terrifying, yet when it’s over they go back to sleep and carry on like nothing happened. I’m glad she was over it quickly and is fine today. Have you mentioned it to your vet yet? In my experience if it’s a one off or very infrequent, there’s nothing the vet will do. It’s if they become more regular that the medication starts, but I don’t know if that’s how most vets handle it. I know someone that uses CBD oil when her dog has a seizure, but his are long and quite serious. I’ll be writing about CBD oil in the near future so stay tuned.
Thank you, My 12 year old shepherd just had a seizure for the first time. This help me a lot.
I’m very sorry to hear that, I hope your dog is doing better.
My 7 almost 8 yr old Chihuahua passed away on Feb 14, 2018. He had multiple seizures and I took him to the vet 3 times in 4 days. The vet did blood work and found nothing. After 5 days he was gone and I am so so so heartbroken! I dont understand what happened and i feel so lost without him! He followed me everywhere. I guess, I just want to know if anyone else had this happen or if anyone knows what this was? Any info would be highly appreciated! Thx for listening! I guess I’m just looking for some kind of closure. RIP my Gizmo baby! ????????????
I’m so very sorry to hear this Shena, I know how devastating it is. Perhaps you’d like to join my Facebook group, Senior Dog Care Club. Perhaps you can ge some clarity from others who are going through the same thing you did, and it might help you find some peace.
My 3 pound maltese is 14 and yesterday had three seizures in a row. Ran to the doctor and they gave her a shot to calm her down. Then we were driving home and I turned around and went back to the vet. By the way she’s also blind since eight years old sards. She also has kidney disease. I don’t want the vet to do too much except medication. I just want her to be with us. She doesn’t seem like she’s in any pain. Today she won’t eat or drink but she did yesterday when we came home from the vet. She threw up before she ate then seemed ok and she wanted to eat. She slept on and off all night. What do you think is her time over? The vet wants to do test after test I will not put her through that. Please give me your opinion I don’t know what to do.
Robyn I’m so sorry to hear that. I recommend you join my FB group Senior Dog Care Club as you will get a lot of support and advice there. The lack of interest in eating and drinking and the throwing up could be kidney disease, could be mild pancreatitis or something else. Sorry but it’s impossible to determine what’s wrong without blood and urine tests. I don’t know what your vet has done, or what he wants to do, but those 2 tests will give you a lot of answers. If you don’t trust him, or feel like he’s taking advantage find someone else.
Curious to know how your dog has been since using the holistic approach. My little 12 year old terrier mix had her 1st grand mal seizure late January. Called the vet, was advised to call her if she had another. That happened a few weeks earlier so they ran a Senior panel blood work that showed only a slightly elevated WBC. Followed up with a urinalysis that was clear. We discussed AEDs at that point but chose to wait at that time. After a few more episodes, all being 3-4 weeks apart, she suddenly had a cluster seizure several days ago. She hasn’t recovered fully from that, even strained her back. We started zonisamide after the cluster and waiting anxiously for it to take effect and curious to know what others have been successful with, whether conventional or alternative… she’s a tough little thing – was a rescue/foster that survived distemper at 6 months old. Aside from the effects of that (bad teeth) and a few minor things, she’s been my healthiest one! Still healthy and playful right up until this cluster. We sure love her <3
My sweet Sadie Belle is 11 years old. She has had seizures for about 7 months. She is currently taking phenobarbatal 2 x/ day and a liver enzyme 1 x/day. She goes long periods of time without them. She had one Monday, after not having any for months. We rushed her to the ER vet b/c it was different than ever before we literally thought she was dying, but they did all the normal test and everything was good. Of course they said we could do an MRI to see if she has a turmor, but of course we said no. We know it is neurological we have accepted that.
So since her seizure Monday she has just acted so weird and been defecating in her cage daily when we leave her. She continues to pace around but is fine when giving her attention. She sleeps in the bed with us nightly and never has accidents. We have not changed her food since this is the same food she has been on since age 1. Any help, tips, or advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
Jennifer I’m so sorry to hear what Sadie Belle is going through. My very best advice would be to join my FB called Senior Dog Care Club. You will find a ton of help there.
I have a 12-year-old chihuahua who I believe is having seizures. He has had 4 so far. The first 3 I didn’t witness, only noted that horrible cry with the first one and he was incontinent of urine all the other times. The vet said he thought it was because of his worsening heart murmur and had passed out. He only has them at night with the exception of the one this morning that I finally witnessed. He will be going to the vet tomorrow. What you described with your dog is exactly the same as I have seen with mine. Thank you for posting your experience. It has confirmed what I expected to be wrong in the first place. It is definitely a scary thing to witness and I hope I can get him the right treatment to control them. Otherwise, my little guy doesn’t act like he’s 84 in human years. 🙂 Good luck with your fur baby!
My Alaskan Husky 12 y.o just had her first seizure. Scared me to death! Blood test looks good. Vet suggested to see a neurologist and do am MRI for a possible brain tumor. I dont know what to do next 🙁
I’m sorry to hear that Tanya, I know how frightening that can be. I recommend you listen to this podcast I did recently with an expert in this area. She also has a ton of helpful resources and is there to offer any help she can. After you listen to it let me know what you think!!-My-Dog-is-Having-Seizures!-Is-it-Epilepsy%3F-id1501241-id130404870?country=us
Please tell me what you did? Do I do an mri on my 11 yr old pug mix or not…..just keep her on meds…..she had 2 seizures for the first time yesterday!
I want to thank you so much for sharing your story. We have a Chihuahua named Gizmo who just started having seizures. You are the first that I have read that the pet had theirs only when they sleep ans that awful scream. I was afraid there was more to his illness than just the seizures and your information has eased my mind. He is the newest of our additions but in the 2 years we have had him he has been a constant companion to me as I have undergone cancer treatments twice. Again…thank you for sharing.
Hi Deborah, I appreciate you reaching out and I’m sorry to hear about Gizmo and what you’ve been going through as well. I’m glad you have each other to lean on, I know how comforting that is. You may be interested in listening to a podcast I did with a friend, fellow pet blogger and an expert in this area. Here is the link and I hope you find the information helpful.!-My-Dog-is-Having-Seizures!-Is-it-Epilepsy%3F-id1501241-id130404870?country=us
Hi, my 12 year old chihuahua/Yorkie has been having very mild focal seizures for about a year now but I feel they are getting worse so have been prescribed phibarbitol. I can’t bring myself to give it to her yet as I don’t want it to change the beautiful little sprightly dog I have. She’s healthy in every other way as I’m no other meds. Has anyone had a bad experience with the drug?
Hi Leah, I hope you’ll join my FB group, Senior Dog Care Club, for some very helpful advice. I also know many people have had great success with CBD oil for seizures. Here is a link I did to a podcast about seizures with who I consider to be someone very well versed in this subject. I hope this helps!!!-My-Dog-is-Having-Seizures!-Is-it-Epilepsy%3F-id1501241-id130404870?country=us
My dog is Gypsy. She is a Maltese/Chinese Crested mix thirteen years old. Gypsy developed epilepsy at three years old. Within a year they were under control and was seizure free for nine years. Since December of 2019 she has had five seizures. We have had the same vet all these years. He has increased her phenobarbital twice in the pas few months were hoping this will control them. Our concern is the constant pacing and bumping into the furniture. When she gets up in the morning she is not steady on her feet and is confused. It takes about an hour before she starts to respond. Any ideas would be a great help Good luck to all pet owners.
Hi Kathleen, I’m sorry to hear Gypsy has been getting more seizures. I actually just completely revamped my post about seizures if you want to have another look. It’s called “Everything you need to know about seizures in senior dogs.” I hope you find the information helpful, especially about the possibility of CBD oil helping. I also recommend you join my FB group, Senior Dog Care Club. It’s a wonderful community with lots of great support and advice.
My dog Maya was looking at me and started rapid blinking with one eye before she started shaking and had her 2nd seizure. I would say “eye blinking” is another warning sign before seizures.
I have never seen that mentioned but I will add that, thank you. I hope Maya is okay.
Thank you for sharing Red’s experiences with seizures. I have a 13 y/o lab who just had her first seizure about an hour ago. It’s now close to 3:00 am, and I will be calling my vet at 8:00 sharp. Seizures are so horrible to witness, my son started having them when he was 8 months old so at the very least I knew to stay calm and keep my girl safe from hitting her head (not easy!). Your info helped me greatly to know I did the right thing for tonight until I can get to our vet in a few hours! Thank you!
I’m sorry to hear that and I hope your dog is okay. It is definitely scary to witness, and as you know I was totally unprepared.
My 15 yr. young poodle had an episode two weeks ago. She suddenly fell from a sofa, let out a terrifying cry, picked herself up, ran around in circles and couldn’t seem to breathe. I picked her up when I thought it was safe and actually gave her a few rescue breaths. She was disoriented, and very frightened. This is when you need to be strong! Activity had stopped so I wrapped her in a towel and off to the emergency vet we went It was the longest 7 miles of my life. Treated and released, we went home. Beware senior dog owners! If you’re dog is senior like mine, it will recur. Two weeks later she had a grand map seizure in the middle of the ????. She again was treated and released with the advice that we see the family vet. I did that, had discussions about what to do? Think of your DOG! She was euthanized the next day. Your dog will remain in your heart, memories, and soul.
I’m so sorry to hear that Julie, I know how tough things must be for you at the moment. You’re absolutely right when you say to think of the dog. Sadly, many people can’t bear to say goodbye to the point their dogs linger and suffer. I know it’s an impossible decision for any of us to make, but at the end of the day it’s only about what’s best for our dogs. Your pup was lucky you were able to make that heartbreaking decision, because it was the right thing to do.
I’m a retired U.S. Combat Soldier and was given a Service Dog whom i Love more than life it self thru the VAMC here in my town of Saint Cloud, MN. , He is half Wiener dog and half Jack Russel and i named him “Buddy” named for my Lost Brothers in Arms, two days ago he scared the hell out of me! and i did not think that was possible after what i have seen and heard in combat. I know now that he had a Seizure ! Buddy is 14 and looks almost exactly like “Red” , we both seem to act different now he looks at me like whats happening and with deep love, and i cant help but to be over watchful and ready to do what ever i must to help him, I feel powerless and afraid and confused, not just for Buddy but also for my self for he’s all i have left that is dear to me, I know not why this affects me so… i didn’t think that a something like this was possible! my heart is no longer frozen… Your posts have helped me very much so, more than you can imagine. Full of warmth and understanding and facts, etc. and for that i thank you from the bottom of my now warm heart. God Bless You. I feel for all who must go thru this and would like to here from you, with any Information that may help Buddy and I. Thank You…
Thank you for your service, and thank you for reaching out. Your heart is no longer frozen because you’ve found your heart dog, just like Red was mine. I had no idea what was happening when Red had her first seizure, it was my first experience. Naturally I picked her up when I saw her shaking, which is exactly what you shouldn’t do but I had no clue. She peed all over me and when it was over she fell asleep like nothing happened. I called the emergency hospital for advice, and I stayed up all that night watching her. The next morning I took her to the vet. There was no reason to give medication, but because I was worried about what to do in the case of a more serious seizure he gave me rectal diazepam just in case. Just having it in my cupboard made me feel better, and thankfully I never had to use it.
For a long time after that seizure I was a wreck. I would be sitting late at night waiting to hear that scream again, because that’s when the seizures happened. It was always scary but at least I was better prepared.
Speak with your vet, and let him know what happened. It’s also a good idea to keep a record of – time of day the seizure happened, was anything new going on at the time, stress… Keeping a journal may help you see a pattern and perhaps you can avoid the trigger.
Keep to your schedule, make sure he’s getting his exercise, great nutrition and enjoy every moment you have together.
I’m not sure if you know about my FB group Senior Dog Care Club. It truly is a wonderful community of kind and caring people. Some ask for tips and advice, some don’t actively participate but read the posts, others just come for support. Seizures are definitely a topic often discussed, so you’ll find lots of people who can relate.
I hope this helps.
Could not be more grateful to have found this site, despite losing my rescue old english sheepdog 15.5 yrs to dementia and seizures. I was his third and forever home, a grey and white male without a tail. Doogy was not diagnosed with dementia, it was actually myself who suggested to the vet after many blood tests etc, could it be dementia. To which I could not be more angry to this day. Also he was never prescribed Anipryl, which I also remain angry with, although today I read whereby the most recent drug which can be given to dogs with dementia is Ropesalazine. Which apparently has shown promising results. Although again sadly, my finding this drug which apparently was released in 2019, again has come too late for my noodle bob as I called him. Therefore any loving dog owner out there who has just had their dog diagnosed with dementia. Please ask your vet about this drug. Doogy had dementia for @ 18 months, together with spondylosis and degenerative arthritis. However, I had thought I was managing his health problems to the best of my vets and own ability. However sadly, doogy had a number of seizures from christmas 2019 up until june. The last in june has left me being unable to sleep because of what I witnessed. He did somersaults, and then in june this year, had a very bad and prolonged seizure, which again had not been diagnosed by any vet. As this was something I had never seen before with him, I booked him in to see an emergency vet. However, even though Doogy had not been eating for at least a couple of days and had suddently not been able to use his legs. He saw two vets and neither was able to give me a diagnosis, despite the fact he appeared to be in a coma, was not responding to light in his eyes nor moving at all. The vet asked me of any traumas recently, of which there had been none. However, as he was unable to do a CT scan until some 3 days later, I advised I could not leave him as he was, not eating, unable to move, and having seizures. I decided to have him put to sleep. I am so angry with all the vets who attended Doogy for either dementia, not eating, arthritis, and the seizures. As not one of them seemed interested because he was an elderly dog. Also to be honest, to this day, I ask myself questions every day, why was he not even put on the best medication ? it seems to me that vets do not appear interested in elderly dogs only youngsters, and I say shame on them. They should be doing far more in this day and age for the elderley dog population too. Life without my boy is unbearable, as he was my only family. I only hope that if i ever get another dog, I will be much more versed with the signs of dementia, strokes etc, and together with the homework I have done. Hopefully I may be able to give another dog a better chance of survival should it encounter any of these debilitating diseases. Thank you so much for your site, as it has finally given me some of the answers I have been searching for since I lost my boy in June. I keep asking if I could have done more. However he was 15.5 which apparently is a good age for an OES who have many health problems. Thank you once again and my heart goes out to all of you canine readers whose beloved companion who may be suffering with dementia etc. All I will say is please ask your vet about the above drug. Who knows it may give your dog a new lease of life. Best wishes to all.
Hi Diane. I’m sorry for your experience but than you for sharing it. Sadly, in my experience, as you have found, veterinarians can be dismissive of senior dogs. That’s a big part of why this site was started. My senior dog developed dementia and, despite symptoms, my vet also did not mention it to me as a potential cause. I was the one that had to ask her about it. Hugs to you. It sounds like you did the best you could with the information you had.
Diane and Jessica:
We are very sorry to learn of your losses. To further advances in veterinarian medications and treatments, we consumers have a voice, and we should voice that more needs to be done for senior dogs. We concur absolutely that Ropesalazine should be administered to dogs suffering from dementia or any such diseases. Such drugs further advances in medicine.
We most recently lost our miniature schnauzer (15 years, 4 months) from the ravages of renal (kidney) failure. Initially, the warning signs that our dog displayed appeared to be arthritis and old age; then, weight loss. After dramatic weight loss (6 lbs), we went to the vet who did extensive blood work revealing kidney failure. We were told we should put him down. At this stage, we thought the vet was too aggressive; we opted to give him fluids for sustenance, which we did for 2-3 months.
After several episodes from the disease, we got little support from the vet for use of fluids. The vet prescribed antibiotics and penicillin, which were both administered; still little encouragement to keep up the fluids on a regular cycle. Our dog stopped eating and drinking for several days (vet had said this would happen); still no encouragement to keep up the fluids. Resultantly, our dog died from cluster seizures.
It is true that vets seem reluctant to extend the lives of senior dogs to our horror and dismay – also to the detriment of veterinarian science. Dogs are family members and deserve the treatment from advances in medicine. Kidney disease, unfortunately, has no cure other than the administration of fluids (which mirrors dialysis). If such procedures can sustain the dog until other treatments can be perfected, vets should advise, counsel, and support such treatments for dogs suffering from such diseases (renal or other). Until veterinarians become interested in offering extensions of life to our furry friends, we should not rest, but we should continue and expect advances in veterinarian medicine and treatments.
Until veterinarians take up the causes of senior dogs by listening and doctoring in accordance with the advances in science, all dogs lose.
Hi -my golden retriever is Tiny and since age 8 has been medicated for her seizures by a homeopathic vet who said she will never come off her meds now… She did slight twitching since she was born. But the severe ones started at 8 yr. She is on Keppra and phenobarb and every 12 hr…this makes her muscles weaker I am told and she tends to wobble on her back legs (a lot)…Her mother just died here last weak at age 14 -such a sweet sweet Golden named “Goldie” The mom only had one seizure -a grand mal that took a couple hours to come out of at the vet. She was 2 and never medicated -fortunately as it is very costly here where I live. Lat month the Mom had a heat stroke or seizure or something that left her hind legs paralized temporarily and a bit of a head tilt ….she came around ok for a few weeks and then developed pneumonia on both the outside and the inside of the lungs where there was fluid (both lungs) She just died last week here at home and because of coviid shut down am so glad that we were right here with her. We only do curbside drop and pickup of our pet when we go to the vets and have been back and forth for 2 mon with both dogs -constantly….Is there any way that road salt and sand can contribute to this problem here? I notice with the seizures that it is VERY IMPORTANT to avoid the overheating and am constantly turning the heat way down in my home ‘specially in the pm hours when these episodes happen…
Just wondering about the environmental toxins in road salt -any feedback?
Hi Chris. Very high doses of salt can indeed by toxic to a dog and cause seizures if ingested. I imagine if a dog is prone to them already, it might affect the frequency. I can’t say for sure though, of course. As little as 4-5 grams of salt could be toxic, which is about a teaspoon. Now, this is for true salt. Many streets and roads are treated with chemical ice melters in winter. Still in some other cases, a nontoxic substance is used to melt salt. If you’re curious if salt could have influenced the seizures, I would first determine if it’s real salt and, if not, what the de-icer is. Then you have to look at how much your dog might have ingested. I assume that you wipe your dog’s feet off after a winter walk? Or even rinse them off? If you do a good job, it’s unlikely there would be a whole teaspoon left for your dog to lick off. So I guess the short answer is it’s possible.
Our dog Sugar Rae is a boxer-greyhound mix she is approximately 8 yrs old and started having full grand mal seizures last November. Unfortunately hers were clusters from the get go. We have oppted to not do do any testing for tumors due to the expense and it would not change our course of treatment all other tests came back normal. I will never forget her 1st one I thought she was dying. They are still horrific to watch but we deal we have adjusted her meds multiple times she is now on ER Keppra and phenobarbital. We recently went 23 days seizure free. Then the next Stent was 16 days but I will take it. It’s much better than 3 or 4 in a 24 hour period every few days. It is hard and emotional but we love her and as long as she is not suffering we will do all we can for her. My heart still skips a beat everytime she twitches but we take it one day at a time and live life to the fullest that’s all we can do.. Just a note there is an app offered on android free to track pet seizures. Called RVC pet epilepsy tracker. It is great for tracking dates times and details of the seizures. Much love, prayers and strength to all who deal with siezures in our beloved fur babies.
Thanks for the tip on the app. It sounds like a great tool.